"Private detective Uzhhorod" - only quality work, a full range of legal services.

We work with anonymous clients.

Carrying out the surveillance of the car

Despite the availability of various tracking systems for the car, there can always be situations where the direct involvement of the person himself is required. The technique can give you an answer to the question of where the machine is located, but what happens in it, who is behind the wheel and the answers to many other questions can only be obtained by a private detective. Your employees can be under complete control in terms of building a route, but is there a guarantee that without even leaving this route, they will not meet your competitors and give them some important information about your company's activities? Such a guarantee can not be. But it is the outside surveillance of the car that can help explain many things.

Many parents give their grown-up children cars to spend their weekend with friends in nature. But neither mother nor father can provide and monitor the safety of their children. If you contact our detective agency, we can organize not only the surveillance of your car, but also organize the protection of its passengers. At the same time, passengers will not guess that they are conducting third-party photo-video surveillance.

Also, many today use the services of transport companies, transporting valuable goods. Sometimes even a sent letter with a courier is of great value for the sender and the recipient. And even because of one envelope it is worth using the services of private detectives. Tracking the transport will allow you not to worry about the fact that the parcel will not only be delivered to the addressee, but will not be opened during its transportation, which is also possible if it has interest for third parties. When you contact us, you must clearly formulate what kind of task is before our specialists, so that we plan our work and act in accordance with the goals set.


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