"Private detective Uzhhorod" - only quality work, a full range of legal services.

We work with anonymous clients.

Telephone surveillance of a person

The whole life of modern man today is enclosed in his phone. It is worth losing or just forgetting at home this small, but such an important device as the whole life of its owner can change in an instant. One missed call, one message not answered. This is enough to destroy even the strongest family, the most responsible and productive employee was fired from his job. Therefore, so much demand in the field of private investigation uses telephone surveillance for a person. But it should be immediately said that this service can not be provided to everyone and not in every situation. We very scrupulously and reverently treat any orders that may conflict with the law.

It is unequivocal that the surveillance of the phone on our part can be carried out against minor children of our clients. We are also ready to provide our services to those who care for elderly relatives and are responsible for them. In all other cases, we can advise you video surveillance, photo surveillance or any other service of our detective agency


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