"Private detective Uzhhorod" - only quality work, a full range of legal services.

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Fingerprinting procedure

To perform fingerprinting, it is not necessary to have some special skills and equipment. To do this, it is enough to contact our detective agency, whose specialists will do everything for you. There is an opinion that only the representatives of law enforcement bodies are engaged in this procedure in the course of conducting an investigation. But the situation in life is very different. And we often in our practice come across the fact that people for one reason or another are forced to conduct their own independent investigation, of which the fingerprinting expertise is also a part.

Moreover, if you decide to use the services of our detective agency, then you can get the full range of our capabilities. We will help you not only to remove fingerprints, but also to find out who exactly belongs to whom, we will help to search for this person. Also, our services may be necessary for you not only if it is a matter of disclosing a crime, but also when executives decide to complete a database of their employees, which may include this procedure.

The price of fingerprints depends on several factors, each of which is always discussed individually with our specialists. Therefore, we can not immediately tell you the cost of fingerprinting, until we know all the details of the task before us.

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