"Private detective Uzhhorod" - only quality work, a full range of legal services.

We work with anonymous clients.

Carrying out of outdoor surveillance of a car

In everyday vanity, modern people sometimes do not notice the most banal and simple things that happen to him everywhere. Thus, entrepreneurs who are concerned about increasing the productivity of their companies may not notice how they have long been victims of espionage by their competitors, absorbed in work and earning, the fathers of the family may not notice how their wives have long found a new hobby on the side. So sometimes you need to stop and look around. After all, probably not for a few weeks already, on the same place under your windows is the same car? Maybe this is the lover of the wife who is waiting for your departure? Or is it your own employee who is monitoring you to sell the information to your competitors? And in this case it is necessary to resort to the service of our agency, which involves counter-monitoring. And we are ready to conduct an external observation of the car that caused your suspicions to find out whether there is any danger to you or your loved ones.

You can conduct deliberate, hidden external observation of your specific subordinates, whose behavior began to cause you certain suspicions. We also have all the necessary resources to conduct photo-video surveillance of your competitor, if you began to suspect that he is preparing something against you and your company.

Therefore, for any need for external surveillance, please contact our detective agency immediately.

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